Our life path is like a garden.

My thirty years of practicing Occupational Therapy have given me intimate and heartbreaking insight into the everyday need of people with disability: Independence with Dignity.

These beautiful people brimming with potential have been like seeds strewn along my life path. The water has been their will to succeed and persevere. And the fertiliser? A common purpose to enhance their practical quality of life with elegance and grace.

I met Furlo in 2016 after a rugby injury to his neck left him quadriplegic. He has no hand function and can only use his shoulders and elbows. Together we “weeded out” the problems and everyday challenges. We identified products we needed, but could not access locally or affordably and therefore we designed new “hybrid” adapted products.

Our goal is not  only to provide products for the needs of our patients with disabilities; we aim to provide work opportunities, an income and a sense of purpose to our fellow “gardeners”.

It is no coincidence that my career path has intersected with Furlo’s  – indeed one of the most worthy players ever to have graced the game of disability. Grace has brought us together.

And Grace will lead us from here.

Hilletje Wiehahn

Our vision is to create a high-quality, unique and affordable product which is being manufactured mostly by people who, due to their circumstances, are not able to work in the open market.